Saturday, December 18, 2010


Picture this, celebrity guest on random daytime talk show talks about his struggles with relationships and how he doesn’t let his transgressions affect his duties as a Dad. “My kids have this, my kids have that. My kids are this, my kids are that”. To that Mr. Net worth over 400 million I say; YEAH RIGHT!!!!

If his name was Paul Duffy the city bus driver and had a yearly salary of 60K would it be noted he had 6 children with 3 different women? This is by no means a knock on his success, every man and woman has the right to be successful and enjoy the rewards that come with their hard work BUT please spare me with how much of a great Dad you are. Could your ability to provide tutors, and au pairs (just a fancy word for a nanny) play a role in your children’s success?

Does society look at Mr. Bus Driver with six children from numerous women differently than Mr. Make you dance? I believe so and that is my issue with the whole situation. The ability to throw cash at an issue does not make one individual better than the other. It takes more than cash to compensate for an absent Dad. With different children in different states how can one man be everywhere?

Sorry Mr. Remix but cash doesn’t change this tune, it sounds like the same broken record to me.

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