If you are a parent, and you have 5-10 minutes you should read the entire indictment against Jerry Sandusky, a former football coach at Penn State University . The first three pages of the Grand Jury testimony are enough to make any sane person cringe in disgust.
The fact this monster was allowed to use a charitable agency he founded to prey on young boys (some as young as eight) is inexcusable by itself. But the behavior displayed by those who are supposed to be in charge of the university is even worse!
I’m known for saying I don’t trust anyone I don’t know, and this event (although rare) is just an example of why I think this way. Sandusky is the lowest form of humanity. Individuals who decide to attack children or the elderly have no purpose on this earth (just my opinion). And those who enable these predators are just as deserving of suitable punishment.
On the surface of this complaint is a monster who lusted for young male flesh but looking deeper into the situation I see many of society’s failures.
Because he is a threat to society, any sound minded adult knows Sandusky is SICK and needs to be in prison now. No Gray area here. When a 60-year-old man is showering with teenage boys, something is wrong. Certainly there is no logical explanation for that same 60 year old man having anal sex with a 10 year old boy. His immediate supervisor was made aware of the situation, who in turn told his supervisor, who then told his supervisor and all that happened to Sandusky was his keys were taken away. So it’s not OK to rape young boys here in school BUT it’s OK to do it on your own time? What part of ethics 101 is that?
This is a state funded institution, meaning taxpayer’s dollars were used to enable this monster. I’m sure Penn State has done enormous amounts goodwill but this is inexcusable. Everyone from the school’s president to the head football coach should be FIRED!!!!
Parents, Here is some advice…this isn’t television, this is real life and unless you have a deep personal relationship with someone, trust no one with your child’s wellbeing. Ask questions and ask the same questions again. We all know inappropriate behavior when we hear or see it.
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