The role of a parent is a tricky one to play.
There are times when parents have to take on different roles
for the same issue. I’m not talking the good cop bad cop role, which most
children figure out at around age seven. I am referring to encouraging or discouraging
Parents have the responsibility to do either or both at the
drop of a dime. That’s right; parents have to flip flop for the best interest
of their children.
Don’t believe me? Here are two examples…
1. A parent encourages their child to play a sport but the
child gets injured and the parent immediately has to change their tune and
discourage their child from returning too soon from that injury. It’s a fine
line. Too much discouragement may turn the child off from the sport altogether.
Too much encouragement to get back on the field, and the child may rush back, not
properly healed, and with a greater risk of injury.
2. Parents have to discourage their children from
socializing with certain individuals yet parents encourage the same children to
be free-thinkers and make up their own minds.
No one ever said parenting was easy.
Every day parents face the same scenarios I just laid out
and everyday responsible parents do their best to encourage and discourage
their children.
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